He's already had one incident while mountain biking with Dave. This is Dave's new obsession, he's even built his own mountain bike. Crazy, I know. Anyway, while mountain biking over in Boulder City Dave calls me, "Um...we're coming home. Zach wiped out." Okay, I'm thinking, is this like a ER visit wipeout or a mommy kiss it better wipeout. It was kind of in between, he had a pretty deep gash. Well here's the first injury of I'm sure many more to come. And this picture is after a week of healing. Boys will be boys! And Dave is banned from taking Zach to the extreme course for a while!
It reminds me of my stupid brothers thinking it would be cool to skateboard while being pulled by a car. Yes, Spencer and Jared tried this one and Spencer had the roadrash all over his face to prove it. I'll have to find pictures, I'm sure I have them somewhere. They also used to jump off the roof into our pool! Are these the worries I have to look forward to for the next 10 years? Calgon take me away!